Reduction: Letting Go
Aakshat Sinha reviews Reduction, a show of lyrical vibrations cast on canvas by Mumbai-based artist, Rahul Inamdar, at Gallery Threshold,
Reduction: Letting Go
Tracy Lee Stum: Street Magician of 3D Chalk Art
Visual Language: Can An Artist Create Their Own Language?
Narayan Mondal: Wounded Silence of Abstraction
Art of Response: Performance, in the Public, on the Street
The Hindus: Caste Portraits Etched in History
Maite Delteil: Turning Over Pages from Her Diary
Art of Response: On Canvas, Paper, Screen
Abul Hisham: Intertwining Socio-cultural Spaces with Personal Narratives
The Site of Creative Magic
#UNBORDER – The Great African Art’ Caravan
Artist’s Persona: Real v. Virtual
Mark Lewis Wagner: Drawing on Earth